Asantehene Settles Dispute Between Akroponghene and His Dikro

Peace is now reigning between Nana Appiah Sarfo Kantanka, Akroponghene and his Dikro after Otumfuo Osei Tutu II intervened and amicably resolved a dispute between them over land.
The Dikro had invoked the Great Oath against the Akroponghene after some lands under his supervision were sold by his lord without his knowledge and subsequently caused his arrest.
Though the cause that necessitated the invocation was ruled as vain, he was found to have a case against the Akroponghene.
The Asantehene thus chastised Nana Appiah Sarfo Kantanka for going against laid down processes to sell the lands as he likened the circumstance to storing one’s item in a neighbour’s fridge and removing the item without notice.
“Though the land belongs to you and you made him a steward over it, you had to pass through the laid down process to sell it. You didn’t have to go behind him and sell it. If you put your item in a neighbour’s refrigerator, won’t you inform the owner when you are taking it?”
That notwithstanding, Otumfuo, calmed the nerves of the Dikro and urged him to let go of the past.
In the same spirit, the Asantehene advised the Akroponghene to live in peace with his subject.
Otumfuo further caused the two to invoke the Great Oath to live in peace.
Source: Fuseini