General News

NIA Announces New Fees For Premium Ghana Card Issuance

The National Identification Authority (NIA) has announced a review of fees for national identification registration services.

The charges communicated in a Facebook post, it noted, apply to only NIA Premium Registration Centres.

According to the notice, first-time registration and record updates will each cost GHC 310.00.

A card replacement will be charged GHC 420.00, while individuals updating their records and replacing their cards simultaneously will pay GHC 355.00. Nationality updates will cost GHC 365.00.

However, registration at the Regional and District Centres of the Authority is free for first-timers while replacement services cost GHC125 at District and Regional Offices.

On its website, it says personal information updates are free at the Regional and District offices.


Source: Fuseini

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