Cholera Kills 35 In Ghana

The Director-General of the Ghana Health Service, Dr Patrick Kuma Aboagye has announced the death of 35 people in five regions.
Of the total number of deaths recorded in the Greater Accra, Central, Eastern, Western, and Ashanti regions, the Western Region reported the highest number, with 17 deaths.
In an update in a press statement, Dr Kuma Aboagye said there are no active cases in the Eastern Region, with most of the affected districts in the other regions reporting no confirmed cases in the past week.
However, as of December 23, he said a total of 4,155 suspected cases had been reported with the majority of the deaths occurring within 24 hours of admission.
The statement also indicated that between November 30 and December 19, 2024, an Oral Cholera vaccination campaign was conducted in the Awutu Senya East, Ahanta West, Effia-Kwesimintsim, Sekondi-Takoradi and Shama metro/municipals which are the hotspots.
A total of 662,906 persons have been vaccinated out of the 792,482 eligible population.
“After the vaccination campaign, the number of reported cases in those districts has declined steadily. Awutu Senya East has not recorded any confirmed case after the vaccination exercise.”
Other Measures
Other measures put in place by the Ministry of Health, through the Ghana Health Service in collaboration with other relevant stakeholders, include the activation of the National Public Health Emergency Operation Centre at the National Level; Activation of the Public Health Emergency Management Committee (PHEMC) in all the affected regions and districts; and the deployment of a joint multisectoral Public Health Emergency Rapid Response Team (PHERRT) from the national, regional and district levels as well as representatives from NCCE, GES, NADMO and Environmental Health in all affected districts.
They also have in place an ongoing detailed outbreak investigation and environmental assessment in all affected districts; daily active community case search; mobilization of logistics (essential drugs, personal protective equipment and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene [WASH] items) from national and regional levels to support affected district; and Strict Infection Prevention and Control practices in all health facilities.
Additionally, they have set up community cholera oral rehydration centres for mild cases; public education on cholera prevention with emphasis on safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene practices (Deployment of mobile vans, radio discussion sessions etc.); assessment of access to potable water and environmental sanitation in all affected districts; water sampling for testing and culture from water sources in affected districts; and vaccination campaigns in hotspot districts.
Mr Kuma Aboagye in his press statement urged people who have diarrhoea and vomiting to report to the nearest health facility.
He also advised the public to drink potable water, eat food that is hot, wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consuming.
He further entreated them to prioritise hand washing with soap under running water before preparing food, before eating and after visiting the toilet (and washroom) or changing diapers, and after touching surfaces.
Source: Fuseini