General News

NCA: Ministry Of Communication Not Blocking Sale Of Vodafone Ghana To Telecel

The National Communication Authority (NCA) has debunked reports that the Ministry of Communication and Digitalisation is hampering the sale of Ghana Telecommunications Company, known as Vodafone Ghana’s stake to the Telecel group.

The NCA stated that the report is false and must be disregarded.

A statement released by the Authority noted that it received an application from Vodafone Ghana for the transfer of 70% of its International holdings B.V to Telecel group.

“In accordance with due process, the Authority evaluated the application on various criteria and engaged both Vodafone Ghana and Telecel group. After the criteria regulatory review and evaluation, the NCA concluded that the request did not meet the regulatory threshold for approval to be granted”, the Authority explained.

According to the NCA, the decision to turn down the application complied with the regulatory framework and international best practices.

Source: Fuseini

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