Confirm Willingness To Evacuate And Avoid Dissipating Scarce Public Funds; Ministry Of Foreign Affairs To Ghanaian Nationals From Ukraine

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration has “noted with grave concern the refusal of some Ghanaian students to show up at the airport after they have expressed their willingness to be evacuated”.
The “no show at the airport” by the students is a “dissipation of scarce public funds” since the government purchases air tickets that remain unused as well as make payment for COVID-19 tests for such persons.
“The government is, therefore, entreating only Ghanaians who are willing to be evacuated to confirm their participation so as to avoid the dissipation of public funds”.
As means of dealing with such situations, the government has decided to only bear the cost of two nights hotel accommodation for all those who are received by the Foreign Affairs staff and then provide them with air tickets to Ghana and have their COVID-19 tests paid.
“In the case of those who refuse the offer to be assisted to return home, the Government of Ghana’s obligations towards them ceases after they have been provided with 2 nights’ hotel accommodation”, the Ministry affirmed.
So far, one hundred and ninety-two (191) Ghanaians have been evacuated home.
Source: Fuseini