
You Can’t Take Me Out of Top 3 Actors and Musicians in Ghana – Lil Win

Popular Ghanaian actor and comedian, Lil Win, has confidently asserted his position among the nation’s elite entertainers.

In a recent statement on Opemsuo Radio’s Oseikrom Kwanso with Mac De President , he declared, “In Ghana, if we talk about actors, top three, both musicians and actors, you can’t take me out.”

He however refrained from naming the other two entertainers.

The comedian further highlighted his multifaceted talents, claiming, “I was the best DJ in the world till technology came. The best player in Ghana is me, the highest paid player in Ghana is me, the best striker in Ghana is me. You can check my records, you can go to the internet. How to handle the ball, tuning speed—I have speed, turning left and right.”

Addressing why the Black Stars, Ghana’s national football team, have not called him, he added whilst laughing, “They see me to be a comedian, I am a comedian, so…”

In related news, Lil Win’s latest movie, “A Country Called Ghana,” is set to premiere in Kumasi after its recent premiere in Accra. The venue is  KNUST CCB Auditorium on Saturday, May 25, 2024.

The premiere will commence with a red carpet affair at 6:00 p.m whilst the movie premiere itself is scheduled for 8:00 p.m. Standard tickets are priced at GHC200, while VIP tickets are available for GHC500.

Story by Adwoa S. Danso

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