
Partisan Division Impacts National Agenda Negatively – Former DCE

Former Sekyere Central District Chief Executive, Sociologist, and Lecturer at the Institute of Business Management and Journalism, Hon. Ebenezer Akuoko Frimpong has stated that partisan divisions and disintegration have the capacity of impacting the national agenda negatively.

Speaking to newsmen, the former DCE said if political parties continue to encourage tribal division and belittle some groups of people as spotted in Hopeson Adoye’s speech during the ‘Aduru wo so health walk’ organized for the NPP’s Aspirant hopeful Alan Kyeremateng, then it is going to be a disaster for the nation.

He indicated that this is a negative habit that needs to be discouraged and uprooted from the NPP because these are people who climb to hold national offices and positions which with this character is capable of tearing apart the unison of the country.

According to Hon. Akuoko Frimpong, the country is made up of different tribes that require equal and fair treatment. As such any harmful comment from leaders can trigger national disunity.

He emphasized that “one of the major functions of political parties is to recruit leaders for the nation, that is, through them emerges the nation’s leaders that is why I believe that if they have this kind of mentality then the nation is not well positioned”.

Source: Opemsuo.com/ Effah Mensah William

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