‘Galamseyers’ Whose Rights Have Been Infringed Are Registered Small-Scale Miners; Obuasi; Micheal Kwadwo Peprah

Mr. Micheal Kwadwo Peprah, the president of the small-scale miners Association has stated that the small-scale miners who have been victims of military brutality at Obuasi are registered miners with community cards.
Mr. Peprah said in 2009, over two million people from Obuasi were involved in galamsey, with the youth being enormous. A group called the movement committee was established to formularise the activities of the miners and also to ascertain peace between the galamseyers and AngloGold Ashanti.
One recommendation of the movement was to move the small-scale miners at Obuasi to an over 60 years abandoned pit at Wawase precisely site 14.
From there most of the small-scale miners registered and got their community cards.
We are yet to find out who sent the military men to infringe upon the right of small-scale miners.
Source: Opemsuo.com/ Wendy Amakye