Bawku Clash: Regional Minister Says Bans Continue Despite Calm

The Upper East Regional Minister, Stephen Yakubu has confirmed peace has been instituted in Bawku and its neighbouring towns after recent upheavals in the town.
“The whole security has improved a lot. Bawku is calm now. People are going about doing their work”, he confirmed in an interview with CNR.
Nevertheless, he noted that suspending the ban on the use of motorbikes and smocks remains in force till the Regional Security Council (REGSEC) is sure.
“We are not comfortable to lift any of those bans but they are being reviewed all the time. At any point in time, when we need to lift the bans we will lift them off. For now, all the bans are in place. “
The ban on smock wearing, the traditional outfit of the town, was instituted last year when a 40year old chieftaincy dispute was resuscitated in the same year.
REGSEC announced, “Following the decision taken by REGSEC during the emergency meeting, the wearing of smock in Bawku Township has been banned with immediate effect. This was necessitated by the fact that criminals or unscrupulous elements hide arms and ammunition in smocks and attack opponents or innocent civilians.”
In January this year, another ban; the ban on riding motorbikes, the principal means of transportation in the town, was also announced.
Source: Fuseini