
TEWU Joins University Senior Staff In Strike

The Teachers and Educational Workers Union (TEWU) of TUC has joined the Universities Senior Staff Association (SSA) in their industrial action over similar concerns.

In a statement, the TEWU said its patience over the non-payment for their Tier 2 pension has waned as the government has failed to settle the nine-month payment.

It has thus served notice to its members to embark on industrial action immediately.

“TEWU of TUC (GH) is calling on the government to immediately pay the nine months Tier 2 pension contributions arrears of workers of the Public Universities to ensure dignified retirement.

“We wish to serve notice, and is hereby served that the Teachers and Educational Workers’ Union (TEWU) of TUC (GH) has joined the strike declared by the Senior Staff Association of Universities of Ghana (SSA-UoG),” the statement issued by its General Secretary, Mark Dankyira Korankye mentioned.

SSA Strike
The SSA commenced an indefinite strike action on January 18, demanding outstanding Tier 2 contributions with appropriate interest at three percent penalty rates.

They also demanded the prioritization of the recalculation of accrued interest on Tier-2 pensions for 2010-2016, payment of outstanding arrears to retirees, and withdrawal of the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission (FWSC) and Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) decision to eliminate overtime allowance for senior staff.

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