
Zongo Nkosuohene Supports BECE Candidates

The Amansie West District, in collaboration with Zongo Nkosuohene Alhaji Abdul Ali Barry and his foundation, the Sarki Abdulali Ali Barry Foundation (SAAB), and Muslim Women in Teaching (MUSWIT), has offered orientation to 2024 Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) candidates at Manso Nkwanta and Pakyi No. 2 ahead of their final exams slated for Monday, July 8, to Friday, July 12

The orientation covers students under Manso Nkwanta and Pakyi Circuit, including Atwere Methodist JHS, Nkwanta Methodist, Yawkrom D/A JHS, Dominase D/A, Pakyi No. 1 D/A JHS and Great Pakyiman International, Vision Academy.

Speaking with Opemsuo News, the Deputy Director in charge of Human Resources at the District Education Directorate, Mr. John Kumavor Ranson, praised the BECE candidates’ orientation programme, which aims to equip candidates with the skills to answer exam questions properly and avoid widespread failures among students.

He attributed the inability to organize such programmes regularly to financial constraints, revealing that they have been fully funded by the Ashanti Regional Zongo Nkosuohene this time around.

“How to answer BECE questions is problematic for candidates,” Mr. Kumavor stressed.

According to him, the Amansie West District BECE candidates are performing averagely, but all stakeholders are doing their best to enhance student performance.

The Deputy Directior highlighted some root challenges confronting the Amansie West District Education, stressing on illegal mining activities and poor road networks.

“Just last year, we lost one of our BECE students as a result of drowning in a galamsey pit.”

Regarding roads, Mr. Kumavor noted that some of the bad roads in the area are being tackled, with ongoing construction work changing the narrative for the better.

Also, King David Komson, General Manager of the SAAB Foundation, explained that the gesture is part of the Ashanti Regional Zongo Nkosuohene’s efforts to empower students in the Ashanti Region, specifically BECE candidates. This includes organizing exam orientation and distributing 5,000 mathematical sets to candidates in the region.

Madam Fatima Yakubu, Ashanti Regional President of MUSWIT and head teacher of T. I Ahammadiyah KG and Primary School, urged BECE candidates to study daily and not relent in their efforts ahead of their final exams.

Kwame Adu Gyamfi Kumanin/

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