Otumfuo@25: E ON 3 Group Hails Asantehene’s Leadership as Quintessential

Multipurpose business entity, E ON 3 Group has celebrated the unmatched leadership of Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II in the past 25 years on the Golden Stool as quintessential.
Alongside its key partners, the business entity which spearheaded the minting of a commemorative coin in the King’s honour in 2021 congratulated him for distinguishing himself and bringing honour to the traditional leadership system.
“E ON 3 Group and Key Partners congratulate His Majesty Otumfuo Osei Tutu II on his Silver Jubilee on the revered Golden Stool,” they said in a statement.
They recognized that His Majesty’s reign has been marked by incredible success in the areas of peacemaking and peacebuilding not just within his Kingdom but across Ghana, Africa and the globe.
“His Majesty has been an outstanding African mediator and peacemaker who has breathed fresh air into the chieftaincy institution. Otumfuo has a strong determination to achieve the goal of a peaceful, conflict-free Asanteman and Ghana, something he has done with his acclaimed Solomonic wisdom.
“We especially recognize his mediation and intervention efforts to resolve crises both within and outside his kingdom that won him the enviable award of ‘Pillar of Peace’. Significantly, Otumfuo ably steered the Committee of Eminent Chiefs to restore peace to Dagbon after decades of a chieftaincy conflict that became difficult to resolve. The settlement of the conflict led to the enskinment of the current Ya-Na Abukari II.”
According to E ON 3 Group, it was a fitting recognition that His Majesty has a historic 24-carat (999.9%) Commemorative Gold Coin in his honour.
Read the Full Statement Below: