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Otumfuo Osei Tutu II Charges Traditional Leaders To Preserve And Protect Chieftancy Institution

The power and influence of Traditional Leaders cannot be underestimated in any way and must be accorded with the greatest of reverence.

Monarchy as a system of Government was the institution in charge of running the affairs of society in the ancient days. And their work was nothing short of the best practices.
Nonetheless, Chieftancy institution in the modern world has received some backlash following the involvement of active politics by some traditional leaders.

Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II in his remark at the commissioning of the renovated National House of Chiefs building has charged all traditional leaders to preserve, protect and project the Chieftancy institution rather than going to the politicians for their parochial benefits.

He said, “we have a duty to preserve, protect and project the Chieftancy institution the best of our heritage which is the essence of Chieftancy institution the best of our heritage.”

The occupant of the Golden Stool further lauded the significant role of the leadership of the National House of Chiefs for the renovation of their building.
“Let me express my gratitude and appreciation to the past and present leadership and the members of the House for taking the initiative to renovate the building especially the Administration of Togbe Afede XIV whose leadership saw the 95% of this work done.”

The renovated House of Chiefs building was constructed and donated by Otumfuo Sir Osei Agyemang Prempeh II, Asantehene to serve the Asanteman State council and the activities of the National House of Chiefs.

Source: / Sasu Danquah.

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