General News

NRSA: Road Accidents Killed 1,300 In First Half Of 2022

Provisional statistics from the National Road Safety Authority (NRSA) have it that out of the seven thousand six hundred and eighty-seven (7,687) reported cases of Road Traffic crashes in the country from January to June 2022, one thousand three hundred (1,300) persons perished.

The figure for the reported road traffic crashes is 6.12% lower than that of the same period in 2021.

One thousand three hundred and fifty-six (1,356) of the total cases for the said period were pedestrian knock-downs.

Seven thousand nine hundred and nine-seven (7,997) people were injured in these crashes according to the NRSA.

Regional Distribution
Out of the 7,687 reported crashes, the Greater Accra region recorded the highest number of crashes with 3,267 cases representing 42.50% followed by the Ashanti region with 1,791, that is, 23.30%.

The Eastern region recorded 826 cases, Central Region had 529, Western Region had 354, Volta region had 193, Western North had 119, Bono East had 102, Ahafo region had 99, Northern region had 94, Upper East region had 76, Bono region 72.

Savannah recorded 53 cases, Upper West region had 51 cases, North East had 35, and Oti region had the least cases with 26.

Categories of Vehicles In Crashes
In all, thirteen thousand two hundred and forty-eight (13,248) vehicles were involved in the reported road traffic crashes for the first half of 2022, the NRSA reports.

The vehicles included 4,619 commercial vehicles, 5,862 private vehicles and 2,767 motorcycles.

Source: Fuseini

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