General News

Nominated Gender Ministers Undergo Vetting

The Minister and Deputy Minister designate for Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP) have been vetted by the Appointments  Committee of Parliament.


The two appeared before the committee Chaired by Hon Joseph Osei Owusu on Thursday.

They were appointed by president Akufo-Addo in August 2022 when Sarah Adwoa Sarfo was relieved of the position after several months of her absence.

The former deputy to Adwoa Sarfo, Lariba Zuweira Abudu was appointed by President Akufo-Addo to manage the affairs of the Ministry.

Francisca Oteng Mensah, the MP for Kwabre East constituency was appointed to assist her.

The appointment of the Lariba Zuweira Abudu was opposed by the MP for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzto Ablakwa.

In an interview he said her appointment was “uninspiring”.

“There’s been a number of deputy ministers who have really excelled. When the honourable Dr Adutwum was a deputy minister, we all know he performed better than he is performing now as education minister. I cannot say same for the honourable nominee when she was deputy”, he stated.

The two nominees appeared before the Committee on December 15 to answer questions.


Source: Fuseini

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