It is Wrong for Parents to Speak English with Children at Home, Says Prof

In an enlightening interview on Adomankomasem on June 9, Professor Samuel Gyasi Obeng, a Ghanaian-American linguist, made a compelling argument against parents speaking English with their children at home instead of their mother tongue.
He emphasized that individuals who have a strong command of their mother tongue are more likely to excel in English and other languages while also benefiting academically in various subjects.
“Language studies have proved that anyone who can speak the mother tongue well can speak English well. When you are able to speak your mother tongue well, it is easier to learn other languages. It is wrong for parents to speak English with their children at home,” Prof. explained.
Highlighting the academic advantages of embracing the mother tongue, he referred to a research study conducted in Nigeria, stating, “In Nigeria, a research was carried out where 10 groups of students learnt English and the other group of 10 learnt Yoruba. After the end of a certain period, it was realized that those who learned Yoruba excelled more academically than the group that learnt English.”
Reflecting on his own experiences, Prof. shared, “I know that back in school, people teased those who spoke the Twi language, but I used to tell them that even if I speak Twi more, I will score more marks in English and other languages than them. I spoke Twi because I loved it.”
Recalling his appointment as a language teacher at Indiana University, he mentioned, “When I got the Indiana appointment, we agreed that the school will teach Twi because they were teaching Swahili. Wisconsin University, Harvard University, and the University of Pennsylvania all teach Twi. In the future, some may be sent as ambassadors to Ghana.”
Prof. Obeng urged parents to allow their children to learn and speak the mother tongue.