Demand Food Hygiene Permits- FDA To Advertisers, Event Organisers

The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has charged ready-to-eat event organisers and advertisers to look out for Food Hygiene Permits (FHP) from participants and clients.
According to the Authority, Food Service Establishments (FSEs) operating without valid FHP from the Authority violate Section 130 (1) of the Public Health Act 2012 (Act 851) and thus want organizers of events including food fairs and e-commerce businesses that provide their platforms to food vendors to advertise and sell ready-to-eat food to be on the lookout.
“Both e-commerce businesses and event organizers are advised to only permit FDA-licensed food vendors to advertise and sell their food on their platforms and to only admit FDA-licensed food vendors to participate in their events, respectively.
“As part of their requirements, e-commerce businesses and event organizers are to ensure that all food vendors who apply to use your platforms for the sale of their food, or apply for slots or stands at exhibitions, food fairs, weekend markets and music concerts provide valid Food Hygiene Permits before admission.”
It also charged the two stakeholders to direct clients without the permit to the FDA for them.
This is aimed at ensuring food safety and preventing the risk of food-borne illnesses as the Authority says it cannot guarantee the quality of operations and safety of food prepared by FSEs that do not have valid Food Hygiene Permits.
Meanwhile, the FDA said consumers can verify the FSE-licensed operators on their website.