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Vote Transfer: EC Reverses Ban on Party Agents

The Electoral Commission (EC) of Ghana has lifted its restriction on political party agents in observing the Vote Transfer process at the various centres across the country.

This new decision takes effect on June 5, 2024.

The reversal was accompanied by a stern caution to political parties and a lecture on the bolts and nuts of the observation role of party agents in vote transfer at the centres.

In statement released by the Commission on June 4, 2024, it explained that the restriction was instituted after reports of clashes between agents of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) following the commencement of the vote transfer exercise.

“After the Exercise commenced on the 30th of May, 2024, the Commission received reports of clashes between Agents of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC). The clashes stemmed from the fact that Agents of both Political Parties sought to unlawfully prevent Voters from transferring their votes at some of the District Offices.”

The Commission asserted that no law grants any right to an observer of the electoral process to interfere with the work of their officers.

It explained that, “Per law, OBSERVERS are to take a record of any issue they may have and deal with it through available legal or administrative processes.

“This is the same system that governs the Voters Registration Exercise. In that, OBSERVERS cannot prevent any Applicant from being registered as a Voter. They can however challenge the registration of the Applicant through the challenge process embedded in the law by applying to the District Registration Review Committees (DRRC) set up in all Districts to review the challenge cases from the Voters Registration Exercise.”

That notwithstanding, it indicated there is room for Political Party agents playing roles as observers to raise concerns about unlawful vote transfers.

However, it said this can only be done during the Voters Exhibition Exercise.

“The exercise to Transfer Votes is governed by Regulation 22 of the Public Elections Regulations, 2020 (C.I. 127). Regulation 22 does not provide Political Party Agents or any other OBSERVERS with the right to prevent Voters who apply to transfer their votes under the law. The Commission would like to repeat: Political Party Agents do NOT have any right or authority under the law to prevent a Voter who wants to transfer his/her vote under Regulation 22 of C.I. 127.”


The Commission despite lifting the restriction on the political party agents, is determined to re-introduce it on agents who may disrupt the Transfer process.

It urged them to abide by the rules and refrain from any form of interference which could lead to violence as witnessed over the last few days.

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