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The President’s National Vaccine Institute Promise Is Authentic- Obuasi-East MP

Member of Parliament for Obuasi-East Constituency and Vice Chairman for the Health Committee of Parliament, Dr. Patrick Boakye Yiadom, has pledged his total support for the establishment of the national vaccine institute as announced by President, Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo.
In his 26th address to the nation on 25th July, 2021, the President announced a disbursement of some US$25 million seed capital for the establishment of national vaccine institute which will make Ghana a vaccine producing hub.
The announcement of the President has been received with mixed feelings by sections of the public depending on one’s position on the political divide.
According to critics, the President in like manner promised the construction of 111 district hospitals throughout the country ahead of the 2020 elections but that promise has not been fulfilled.

Responding to this on radio, Dr. Boakye Yiadom said the construction of the hospitals was underway which assured him that the national vaccine institute would see light under the Akufo-Addo led government.
“He is very forward looking and he is thinking about the next generation. I believe him when he says he will build hundred hospitals for all districts without district hospitals of which Obuasi-East is a beneficiary.

“Plans are far advanced for the construction of the 111 district hospitals. I know the President will deliver as he promised Ghanaians. There is no doubt about the President’s vision for this country.
“Establishing a national vaccine institute is a forward looking idea. I believe the president can achieve it within his tenure of office.
“I have prepared my site, engineers have come to site. They have okayed my location and we waiting for the sword cutting ceremony for the beginning of the construct of the district hospital so why will I doubt the President when he says he will establish an institute”, he said.
Source: Fuseini

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