Ken Ofori Atta Is As Guilty As The Health Minister – CSJ

Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) has stated that the Finance Minister should be implicated in the Sputnik V vaccine saga.
According to CSJ the bipartisan committee should have probed his role in the transaction together with the Health Minister.
The Secretary of the group, Mr. Awudu Ishaq, said, “We should not just be raising the red flag about who entered into the agreement, we should also be interested in who ordered the payment of the part payment. And so we think that as much as we can take the Health Minister on for this role in all of this, Ken Ofori Atta must not be left off the hook because the Health Minister is not the agency that issued the money. It was the Finance Minister.”
“The money should be gone after but beyond that Mr. Ken Ofori Atta should be telling the people of Ghana under what circumstances he decided as a Minister of Finance to have issued the warrant for these monies to be paid when he knew the transaction had not gone through the right procedures.
“What was the motivation for which he (Mr. Ofori Atta) went ahead to engage in such a shady transaction by approving money to be issued to the businessman?” he asked.
According to the group, “Mr. Ofori Atta and the Health Minister are both guilty”.
Source: Fuseini