General News

“I Do Not Expect Nana Addo To Punish Agyeman-Manu”

Vitus Adaboo Azeem, Executive Director of Ghana Intergrity Initiative (GII), is not confident President Akufo-Addo will take any action against the Minister for Health, Mr. Kwaku Agyeman-Manu for the botched Sputnik deal.
He noted that the track record of the President in handling corruption cases is not impressive and thereby his assertion.
In an interview on Eyewitness news, Mr. Azeem believes the Health Minister should have had the dignity to resign or have himself dismissed by the President.
“I think that as a gentleman and an Honourable Member of Parliament, he should have gone ahead and resigned. He should not have allowed this to come this far but if he insists of not resigning then it beholds on the President to remove him”, he indicated.
However his confidence in that waned when the president in the Bono region announced him (the health minister) as one that has suffered in the ministry.
“From the comment that President made in the Bono region I believe what we are calling for is not going to happen. Looking at what has happened since this president came into power, I do not expect anything new.”
“The way the President handles corruption related issues is not impressive”, he added.
He noted that despite the Right To Information (RTI) bill and the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) established by the president, these institutions are not empowered enough.
“He made sure they passed the Right to Information Bill and established the Office of the Special Prosecutor but the institutions in themselves cannot necessarily fight corruption without the necessary thing. The institutions have to be strengthened and given their independence to do their work and whatever they come out with we expect actions and their recommendations but these have not happened”, he said.
Source: Fuseini

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