General News

Question The MCE And MP-Osabote Abass

Executive Director for the Platform For Peace and the Security Africa has accused Municipal Chief Executive, Honorable Salisu Bamba and Member of Parliament for Ejura-Sekyeredumase, Honourable Bawa Braimah for the numerous riots in Ejura.
Speaking in an interview on a local radio station, he said the conflict between the two leaders from the two major political parties in the country is fueling riots in Ejura.
“One of the major cause of the disturbances in Ejura is between the current MCE and the Member of Parliament.”
“And you know why, the current MCE was MP before his current position and the current MP occupied the MCE seat before.”
“These two are rivals. They are the cause of the riots in Ejura. They need to be questioned. I will be surprise if the District Police Commander tells me he doesn’t know this.”
Following the clash between security officers and residents of Ejura, the sitting Member of Parliament for the area on Tuesday, 29th July, 2021 granted an interview in which he accused the MCE of attempted murder on him.
Source: Fuseini

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