General News

Police Detail Account On “Man Arrested For Attacking Motorist With Gun”

The Ghana Police Service (GPS), on April 2, 2022, announced it has arrested a man who attacked a motorist with a gun and described him as a “gunman”.

Footage that accompanied the news put out by the Police service showcased the alleged gunman holding a pistol in the middle of a road.

Detailing the incident that led to the arrest of the man who has now been identified as a Police Sergeant with the Central Regional Police Command, the police said their attention was drawn to a video in which the police sergeant was wielding a pistol and engaged in an argument and a subsequent fight with another person.

“The said policeman has been interdicted to make way for a full investigation into the matter.

“Investigation further indicates that the Police Sgt. lodged a complaint of assault against his assailants alleging that he was attacked by a group of persons one of whom was wielding a cutlass.

“Both parties are assisting police investigations”, the police disclosed.

According to the police service, the Police Professional Standards Bureau (PPSB) has initiated a criminal investigation and professional standards investigation into the conduct of the police officer.

Source: Fuseini

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