General News

Police Begin Investigation Into Asemasa Accident Which Claimed 14 Lives

The police in the Western Region have launched investigations into the cause of the accident that charred fourteen passengers onboard a Ford commercial vehicle at Asemasa.

The accident which took place on Tuesday, March 22, involved two vehicles; a Ford vehicle with registration number the GW6628-21 and a truck.

Upon a reported head-on collision, the vehicles were set ablaze, charing all 14 passengers on board the commercial vehicle, the police confirmed.

Speaking on Eyewitness News monitored by, Chief Superintendent Isaac Kwasi Sokpa, MTTD Commander for the Western Region, said “Initial information we picked on the ground was that one of the tyres of the truck burst and as a result lost its control and veered into the lane of the Ford bus”.

The driver of the truck, however, survived, together with his mate but they are reported to be in a critical condition at the hospital.

The charred bodies were deposited at the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital morgue for preservation and autopsy.

Asemasa is said to be a community sitting on the border of Central and the Western Regions.

Source: Fuseini

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