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I Feel Cheated But Indifferent – Daughter Of The Late Gen. Kutu Acheampong

Nana Serwaa Acheampong, daughter of Ghana’s former Head of State, Ignatius Kutu Acheampong has expressed her indifference toward the man who executed her father more than 40 years ago.

Following the death of the former president J. J. Rawlings, she wrote, “when he was alive, people often asked me how I felt about him. My response, nothing and it’s true because if I had spent my life hating him for having killed my father, what a wasted life that would have been”.

She however noted that the death of the former president is nothing compared to that of her father’s death.

” Now he’s dead and somehow I feel robbed and cheated because unlike my father, Rawlings’ death was too easy, too comfortable probably. Death by firing squad, that’s how my father died.”

She further wrote she was cheated and robbed the protection and care of a father at an early age as six (6) unlike the family of J.J Rawlings.

” Now I think his children and I are the same, fatherless! But at least they grew up being provided for and protected by their father. So no, we are not the same. Rawlings took my father away from me by firing squad leaving me with no father to provide for me or protect me. Rawlings is dead and I feel cheated.”

Ignatius Kutu Acheampong became Ghana’s Head of State in 1972 and served the
country for 6 years after which he was ousted through coup d’etat and executed by firing squad.

Source: Opemsuo FM/ Hajara Fuseini

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