Gov’t Failed To Cut Down Expenditure And Raised Revenue In Stabilizing The Economy-Economist

Dr. Isaac Sikayena who is an Economic analyst and a lecturer at Ghana Communication Technology University has stated the government did not do much to better the economy in the mid-year budget review.
Dr. Isaac Sikayena said that the mid-year budget review is supposed to create alternative avenues for revenue mobilization and cutting down expenditure to reboot the economy. There was an expectation from the government to put in measures that will curb the economic crisis for an easy life but nothing as such happened.
He indicated that, since the government was able to admit the economic predicament in the country, he should have made everything possible for the country’s revenue to go higher and unnecessary spending to stabilize the economy better.
He also cast doubts over the government’s ability to achieve its economic growth within the estimated period.
Dr. Isaac announced that he is not impressed with the government’s mid-year review of the Budget Statement and Economic Policy.
Source: Gloria Opoku