General News

Ghana bagging million of dollars after every tournament- NSA Chair

NSA Chair, Kwadwo Baah-Agyeman

It  has emerged that Government through Ghana Football Association (GFA) as an institution  makes millions of dollars anytime Ghana qualifies to participate World Cup Tournament contrary to earlier stance of officials of Sports Authority.

“The Ghana FA is a big institution that makes millions of Dollars from World Cup participation, and this cannot be said to be a medium scale industry” , Board Chairman of the National Sports Authority, (NSA), Kwadwo Baah-Agyeman revealed in an interview monitored by

According to the NSA Board chairman, despite the huge benefits after every tournament, clubs belonging to the Association are disqualified from benefiting from the Government of Ghana’s Stimulus package, and should therefore forget about it.
“All I can say is that the Football people are disqualified from the package”, he spoke on Accra-based Asempa FM adding: “this cannot be said to be a medium scale industry”
The former Asante Akyem North member of ParliamentThe former Asante Akyem North member of Parliament in addressing a number of issues relating to sports in Ghana maintained that the Ghana FA is not a small or medium scale institute.
Mr. Kwadwo Baah-Agyeman was addressing a number of issues relating to sports in Ghana as the Sports Authority is working with the National Youth Authority to provide packages to the sporting fraternity which is separated from the over 600,000,000 Ghana Cedis Stimulus package.

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