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Eugene Arhin’s Wife Drops Claims Of Property Grabbing, Abuse

Estranged wife of Eugene Arhin, Acting Director of Communications at the presidency, Jubilee House, has beaten a hasty retreat from her initial claims of massive property grabbing by the young man.

This was after Eugene Arhin filed a response to the petition made by Mrs Arhin in which he put her to strict proof regarding the claims she made in her first petition.

In an amended petition filed at an Accra High Court on Monday, February 15, 2021, a copy of which is in the possession of DGN Online, Gloria Assan Arhin has now backtracked on several of her earlier claims, following the response filed at the High Court by her husband, Eugene Arhin, in which he denied what he described as malicious claims made against him by his estranged wife.

Indeed, in her amended petition Gloria Arhin now claims that there is only one property in contention, which is an uncompleted 5-bedroom house at Santor in the Kpone Katamanso District.
The uncompleted residential property, which was intended to be their matrimonial home, lies on a two plots of land said to have been acquired by Mr Arhin in 2016.

This is the same property Mrs Arhin had alleged in her first petition that it was located at East Legon, but has now amended in her new petition to state its location as Santor, in the Kpone Katamanso District.

The claims of several other properties which she listed in her first petition have also been abandoned. This is because Mr Arhin, in his response to the petition has denied knowledge of these properties and has subjected his wife to prove the existence of these properties

subjected his wife to prove the existence of these properties.

Mrs Arhin is laying claim to some second-hand vehicles purchased during the marriage. They include a Toyota Avalon vehicle with registration number GR 7108-18, a Toyota Lexus with registration GE 4646-18, Toyota Tundra with registration number GE 7108-18 and a Hyundai Elantra with registration number GE 4646-19.

Mrs Arhin has also abandoned the many claims of being physically abused by her husband in her amended petition, after the former subjected her to strict proof in his response to the petition.

The content of Mrs Arhin’s new petition is at variance with her initial claims that her beleaguered husband owned a 5-bedroom residential property at East Legon which was supposed to be the matrimonial home of the couple, a 4-storey building comprising of 16 separate flats at Bubuashie, Accra, an ongoing storey building comprising of 16 separate flats at Tuba, Kasoa, a storey building comprising of apartments located at Teshie, Accra, a residential property located at the AU Village at La, Accra, other houses at Senya Bereku in the Central Region and Ada Foah in the Greater Accra Region and Ford F150 vehicle.

Source: Scoopy vibes

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