General NewsHealth

Dengue Spreads to Central Region, 36 Cases Now

The number of confirmed cases of Dengue fever- a viral infection that spreads from mosquitoes to people- has risen to 36 after spreading from the Eastern Region to the Central Region, the Ghana Health Service (GHS) has announced.

These cases, the Service said, were detected in the communities by health care workers using an appropriate Case Definition.

“As at today, 17th July, 2024, we have confirmed 36 cases from both Eastern and Central Regions,” it said in a statement.

Of these cases, only one was admitted but has since been discharged with the remaining cases being managed at home.

These patients, it confirmed, are stable.

Meanwhile, it said many more samples from suspected cases have been submitted to Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research (NMIMR) for confirmation.

It also highlighted that investigations about the outbreak has been carried out by a team from the National level made up of Entomologists, Epidemiologists and the regional team across adjoining districts in Eastern and Central Regions with reported surge in malarial-like conditions.

In the meantime, the public has been urged to wear protective clothing; use mosquito repellents; get rid of empty water containers around homes; use insecticide treated bed nets and avoid self-medication.

Farmers have also been directed to ensure that receptacles that could collect water such as empty cocoa pods and coconut shells are discarded (crushed, buried etc) properly.

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