General News

Bridge Kills Wife And Mother Of Three.

52 years old Madam Akosua has drown in Sisaakyi river in the Asokwa Municipal in the Ashanti region.
For the fear of getting stranded as the water rose, Madam Akosua and others decided to use the bridge, according to eyewitness report.
The dilapidated wooden bridge snapped and gave the woman and another who happened to be a male away.
The man was able to dive out. An onlooker however tried to rescue Madam Akosua but couldn’t due to her weight, an eyewitness told Opemsuo radio.
“We traced her as the water swept her along and the onlooker dived in the water the second time to rescue her but failed”, the eyewitness who doubles as a member of the Unit Committee of the district said.
According to him, the construction of that bridge was completed a day before the District Assembly and Unit Committee election.
“A contractor came here and told us they were going to construct the bridge in such a way that motorists can use it. Since then, we haven’t heard from them. I called them when this incident happened but they didn’t answer my call”, he narrated.
Her body hasn’t yet been found.
Source: Fuseini

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