General News

Ashanti Region Houses The Only Paramedic School And The Highest Number Of Emergency Units– Ambulance Service

The Chief Executive Officer for the National Ambulance Service, Professor Ahmed Nuhu Zakariah has commended Asantehene for availing land in his territory to house the only paramedic school and also hosting the highest number of paramedic units.
The CEO, elaborated that, across Africa, Ashanti Region has the only Paramedic and Emergency Training School and the largest number of ambulance stations which is laudable.
“…I want to commend Nana, because the whole of Africa the only Paramedic and Emergency Training School is in his Kingdom which is in Nkenkanso, so we want to express our appreciation for offering the land to house that school…”
“The whole of Ghana the highest number of stations are found in his Kingdom which is the Ashanti Region and so with all this achievement our objective is to go round and ensure that the ambulances are working very well because his region has become a care study for all of Africa.
“Because as far as emergency medical services are concerned the most organized one is in the Ashanti Region, we are trying to ensure that, whatever we have started is done very well.”
“…First to pass through his kingdom, ask for his permission so that we can visit all the stations in the region and be sure that everything is functioning very well…”he said.
Professor Zakariah upon informing Otumfuo at Manhyia Palace about their supervision exercise at their various stations in the region disclosed that, they are putting in effort to improve on ambulance services to ensure effectiveness.
Asantehene beseeched the ambulance service to engage staff in training exercises to improve on their knowledge and skills.
“The more training you give to your staff will also help because they also need that training where they can be on top of their work and be able to discharge their duties…”
He asked them to make use of the logistics at their disposal for effectiveness because their services are of great benefits to the nation.
“…I know that you’ve had the infusion of more vehicles 307 or so in your use which means every constituency has an ambulance and therefore as much as we believe that it’s not enough it’s still good to support health delivery…”
Attention was drawn to the recent happenings in relation to ambulance vehicles being used for unintended purposes as well as insecurity issues advising them to focus on rectifying such issues.
“…there have been incidences which we are sorry for, your staff through no fault of theirs being able to discharge their duties are attacked by armed robbers and all those shooting and innocent people and all that. “
“Those are concerns we believe strongly that more education will let people appreciate that you’re doing a great service to Ghana…” /Monica M. Appiah-Manu

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