
Children With Kidney Disease Call For Help.

The Pediatric Renal Unit at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital and the Association of Parents of Children with Kidney Disease have launched a fund-raising initiative to help waive the cost for treating kidney disease.
Speaking on the sidelines, the Head of Pediatric Nephrology unit and the Head of the Department of Child Health, Mr. Samson Antwi said treatment for kidney disease is quite expensive especially at the chronic stage.
“There are two stages of kidney disease, the acute and chronic. For the the acute one, the kidney stops functioning for a while but rebounds after few sessions of dialysis and medication.
“The dire one is the End stage or Chronic stage. At that stage, the kidney is damaged and can’t function. Anyone at this state will be on dialysis till death. The only means of surviving is a transplant.
“It’s been ten years since we did a transplant for a child because it’s very expensive and It costs GH¢50,000 to undergo dialysis annually.
“Only few are able to afford the cost of dialysis . We have therefore partnered with parents of children having this disease to solicit help from Ghanaians to reduce the cost for the treatment.
“This will enable all to access the treatment and extend the lifespan of such children”, Professor Samson Antwi explained.
Meanwhile some of the children with the kidney disease appealed to the government and Ghanaians to come to their aid.
“Help us get treatment for this disease. Our parents are struggling. I come with my parents from Sefwi to Kumasi. We are begging government officials and wealthy people to come to our aid. Initially, my face and feet swelled, i coundn’t see properly”, a kidney patient told.
“I am begging government officials to come and help us. We are struggling. I swell all over, I sometimes feel pains when urinating. I become bed-ridden and I’m unable to eat. So I am begging government officials to help us. I was 11 years when I was diagnosed, now I am 14 years old, another reiterated.
The account numbers for the initiative include MTN Mobile Money NUMBER: 0595824090 and ECOBANK ACCOUNT NUMBER: 1441002368721 Fuseini

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