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Asantehene Calls On Traditional Leaders To Keep On Creating COVID-19 Awareness

Asantehene Calls On Traditional Leaders To Keep On Creating COVID-19 Awareness

Highly revered King and the Overlord of Asante Kingdom, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, has called on his sub-chiefs not to rest on trumpeting about the need for people to still observe all the necessary protocols to prevent the worsening of the novel COVID-19 pandemic.

The occupant of the Golden Stool has played an instrumental role since the outbreak of the deadly pandemic and his resolve to put in a lot of frays to combat the deadly disease has been unparalleled.

Asantehene in this era of the pandemic has initiated the Manhyia Palace COVID-19 Humanitarian Relief Project aimed at creating a viable awareness and providing the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) as well as donating various items to the vulnerable in the society to relief them from the hardship caused by the pandemic.

Though the pandemic cases seem to be dropping, the Overlord of Asante Kingdom yet insist his sub-chiefs keep on creating awareness for people to observe all the imperative protocols to safeguard our lives.

Asantehene in his opening remarks at the Ashanti Regional House of Chiefs meeting yesterday, October 7, 2020, noted the need for traditional leaders to help and complement the Government’s efforts to allay the spread of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.

“The pandemic has not left us as many think, and the onus probandi is upon us as traditional leaders to complement the efforts of the Government to alleviate the deadly disease.”

“It is needful to let people know that it is yet imperative and essential to observe all the necessary protocols though the number of cases has gracefully reduced. Let’s not rest until the disease will be no more.”

Source: / Sasu Danquah.

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