
Alan Fisher Still Holds Longest Cooking Marathon Record- Guinness Confirms

Alan Fisher still holds the record for the Longest Cooking marathon by an individual, opemsuo.com has independently confirmed.

In an independent verification from the Guinness World Record (GWR), it was ascertained that Ghanaian chef Ebenezer Smith, also known as Millennium Chef Smith, had not broken the record as earlier announced.

opemsuo.com received a response to the effect that the certificate he presented at his press conference on Tuesday was fake.

“No, this is not true. Chef Smith does not hold the GWR title and that is not our certificate.”

The response issued by Dan an official of the GWR on July 3 added, “The current and true current record holder is: The longest cooking marathon (individual) is 119 hr 57 min 16 sec and was achieved by Alan Fisher (Ireland) in Matsue, Shimane, Japan, from 28 September to 3 October 2023.”

On July 2, 2024, Chef Smith held a press conference at the Labadi Beach Hotel to unveil himself as the new record holder, throwing Ghanaians into joy with many conveying congratulatory messages.

However, it was not long until speculations emerged suggesting the certificate he presented at the presser is fake.

Chef Smith turned on his stove for the culinary challenge at the Amadia Shopping Centre at Spintex in Accra on February 1, 2024, and turned off the stove on March 6, 2024, after cooking for 35 straight days.

He initially advertised a 360-hour cooking marathon but went on to add over 400 hours which runs into some 21 days.

In a Facebook post before noon on March 6 as the country marked the 67th Anniversary celebration, he drew the curtain on the adventure.

Following Chef Failatu Abdul Razak’s failed attempt to break Alan Fisher’s 119 hours 57 minutes record set in November 2023, the anticipation over Chef Smith’s attempt was high.

Millennium Chef Smith, an international executive chef, had his initial applications, motivated by Hilda Bacci’s record, disapproved by the world records keeper, Guinness World Records (GWR).

The intention of Chef Smith goes beyond smashing the record. He intends to restore the record to Africa.

In June, Nigerian chef Hilda Baci extended the world’s longest cooking marathon record to 93 hours and 11 minutes from 87 hours and 45 minutes by India’s Lata Tondon. In November, Chef Fisher extended it to 119 hours 57 minutes.


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