General News

Akufo-Addo Tours Volta Region

The President of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has begun a two-day working visit to the Volta region.

He is expected to attend the opening of the Ghana Bar Association Conference in Ho after a radio interview with Stone City Radio on Monday.

He will then proceed to Kpeve to inspect the progress of work on the Eastern Corridor Road and the Agenda 111 Hospital Project, both in South Dayi Constituency.

His second day in the region will begin with a visit to the 66 Artillery Regiment Military Barracks in Ho and an inspection of the Ghana Secondary Cities Support programme at the Ho Central Market.

President Akufo-Addo will then depart to Aflao to Commission the Aflao Community Day School, in the Ketu South constituency.

From there, the president will call on the Paramount Chief of the Battor Traditional Area and end his trip after commissioning the North Tongu District Magistrate Court in North Tongu Constituency.

So far, Nana Akufo-Addo has been to the Northern, North East, Upper East, Upper West, Savannah and Central Regions.

According to the Minister for Information, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, the nationwide tour allows the president to touch base and get a firsthand appreciation of the challenges many people are going through.

“The tours also allow him to see for himself the progress of work on the ground and feedback it into the programmes and projects that are being executed. Most importantly, the President said now is the most critical time when reinvestment in the Ghanaian economy is required, and he wants to be out there to see evidence of the reinvestment that is being done to build back the economy”.

Source: Fuseini

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