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The opportunity was taken to laud Otumfuo for his many years of successful leadership and reign by the Managing Director.
The Management of Vivo Energy Ghana, (SHELL), has donated 10 brand new laptops to the Otumfuo Teachers Awards(Education Fund) to enhance teaching and learning activities in rural areas.
As part of their contribution towards educational development, they visited Otumfuo Osei Tutu II at Manhyia Palace to make the presentation.
The Managing Director for Vivo Energy, Mr. Ben Hassan Ouattara disclosed that they are committed in contributing to the growth of communities thus their support towards the Otumfuo Teachers Awards Scheme to facilitate learning activities.
In this COVID era, digitalization is essential for progress, he said.
“…Vivo Energy Ghana has long been a dedicated contributor to Otumfuo Teachers Awards and it will continue to do so in the future by supporting key developmental initiatives by the Asanteman Council.”
He added “we are here again to demonstrate our commitment towards the growth of our communities by supporting the Otumfuo Teachers Award with 10 brand new HP laptops to enhance teaching and learning especially in rural communities…”
Asantehene expressed gratitude for the presentation whilst revealing the important role played by the energy company.
According to him fuel companies facilitate trading and business activities in the country through the supply of diesel and petrol to vehicles.
In precedence to that, the team was urged to engage in more advanced procedures for the industries progress.
For performing several social duties as a business entity, Otumfuo commended them saying “business is not all about making money but also giving back to the communities where you work and also thoughtfully thinking about their health delivery and education and everything”
“…the business is progressing; the business contributes to national development filling vehicles with fuel and diesel to transport food and humans…”
He added, teachers ought to be recognized shifting attention to rural area teachers for their significant role played in the educational sector.
He indicated “we will do our best to encourage teachers to be able to offer their best to enhance teaching and then we recognize teachers from the remotest of areas who otherwise wouldn’t have been recognized”.
Vivo Energy Ghana, Shell operates both in retail and commercial forms for customer services.
In the Ashanti Region, the company runs 56 shell service stations providing high and quality products whilst maintaining safety and innovational standards.
The first to present differentiated fuels launched the advanced fuel made of Dynaflex Technology for better engine protection.
In the midst of the pandemic, they launched the Retailer Sustainable Program to support Government’s plans to manage COVID.
In support of that, numerous donations were made to health centers, municipal assemblies, government institutions in the form of personal protective equipments.
Construction of water storage tanks and hand washing facilities were constructed in markets and lorry parks all in the move to ensure effective COVID protocol observation.
About 200 drivers and motorcyclist from the Ashanti Region amongst other regions benefitted from the “Stop, Think, Drive” project that saw the creation of road safety awareness and safer transportation services.
http:// /Monica M. Appiah-Manu

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