General News

{VIDEO} Takoradi: Residents of Columbia Protest

Friends and family of Mrs. Josephine Panyin Mensah, the “missing but found pregnant’ woman, have staged a protest following declaration of her pregnancy as hoax.
A man leading the protesters in a video shared by GHOne media on Facebook showcases curses being invoked on the Western Regional Minister, Mr. Kwabena Okyere Darko Mensah, and the Ghana Police Service.
Breaking egg on the ground and pouring libation, he called on the gods to deal with anyone who didn’t visit the neighbourhood to find out the truth concerning her pregnancy yet declares the pregnancy as hoax.
29-year-old Josephine Panyin Mensah was reported to have gone ‘missing’ on Thursday, September 16, 2021 when she went on her usual dawn walk and did not return home.
Media reports say the woman was said to be 9 months pregnant at the time of her departure from the city.
She surfaced at Axim on September 21, 2021, without her belly nor her baby and has been admitted at the Axim Government hospital where she is responding to treatment.
The Western Regional Minister, Mr. Kwabena Okyere Darko Mensah disclosed that preliminary investigation by the state security showed the woman was never pregnant, neither was she kidnapped.
Her husband, Mr. Michael Simmons, in a separate interview with Citi news insisted his wife was pregnant and called on the Regional Minister to retract his statement.
The Ghana Police in a statement today also reiterated that checks by medical experts indicated that Mrs. Panyin Mensah was never pregnant.
Additionally, the police have declared her as a suspect on the grounds that she might have conspired with others to fake the incident of kidnapping to raise money through ransom.
Watch the video here:

Source: Fuseini

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