Vacation For SHS 1 Announced: From Friday Till June

The Ghana Education Service (GES) has announced a break and a vacation for seconds cycle institutions and their first-year students respectively.
In a letter to Regional heads of Education, the Service reminded the latter about a break for Senior High School (SHS) and Senior High Technical School students across the country.
The break will spring from Friday, April 7.
It said that first-year students are supposed to take a vacation right after the break.
“Management wishes to inform heads of second cycle schools running transitional calendar that SHS one (1) are to continue with their vacation until their scheduled reopening in June.”
This means that the first-year students will be in school for less than two months.
They reported to their schools on February 20, 2023, to undertake the registration process and orientation.
Meanwhile, academic activities began on February 27, 2023.
According to the GES, the vacation which follows right after the Easter break will facilitate the smooth running of the academic calendar if observed.
Source: Fuseini