Business & Finance

Traders in Kumasi accuse Security Company of conniving with criminals to steal from their Shops

Some traders at the Kumasi City Market (KCM) are pointing accusing figures at the managers of a security company, LESBEN Security Company Limited, contracted by the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) to protect the traders’ shops and other properties in the facility.
“It is beyond our understanding, thieves can enter into this market and make away of our goods and cash while we have all these security personnel paid to protect our properties”, some traders whose shops were recently burgled by yet-to-identified persons spoke on Manhyia-based Opemsuo FM.
Reports are that suspected thieves were able to burgled some shops  at the newly constructed Kumasi City Market (KCM) and made away with valuable goods and some amount of cash belonging to the traders under a full surveillance of security personnel and CCTVs, can authoritatively confirm
According to victims who confirmed the incident,  the criminals might have come from within the security personnel  recruited by  LESBEN Security Company,  explaining it is weird for any outsider to enter into the facility at odd hours .
“This crime cannot be committed by any outsider with all the CCTVs around. …We suspect an insider who is doing this or that criminal is being aided by an insider”, the traders alleged adding: ” because we generate revenue people think we keep physical cash here which is far from it, we know how dangerous it is to keep money in our offices”
Meanwhile, the KMA Boss Osei Assibey Antwi, has pledged henceforth, there will be no other form of crime such as thievery in the market
“The trader should also seek to lockout their shops before leaving the place so that nobody can steal from them”, the City Mayor admonished on the Nkwantanan show.

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