The Sound Of Car Horns; The Common Noise Traits In Town

A horn is a noise-making device attached to vehicles, trains, bicycles and others.
These vehicles, be it commercial or private is legally required to have horns but for some specified purposes: used as an alert system to announce the presence of a vehicle or its approach on the streets.
However, these purposes of the car horns seem to experience a twist as commercial drivers especially the ‘trotro’ drivers have their own usage for it.
“We sound the horn to alert commuters, sometimes commuters forget themselves so when the horn is blown, they become aware of themselves and decide to come on board the vehicle, some people are even carried away with chats and the horn helps them come on board the ‘trotro’. You can also meet your colleague on the street, there you sound the horn and the colleague also does same,” one driver said.
Commercial drivers in and around Kejetia have disclosed that, in their office which is the ‘trotro’, the car horn is specifically used to load their cars; meaning they sound the horn to attract passengers to board.
Another driver stated that “at times when we get to our hood we make use of the sound to announce our presence that “ogolo” is in town so as for me I use the horn often.”
Others too say they sound the horn as a form of greeting when they meet a colleague on the streets.
“When you need passengers to get on board we have to use the horn to call them, that’s why I mostly sound it,” another said.
As a result of the numerous use of the horns other than their actual purpose, Kejetia, Dr Mensah, Adehyeman and almost the whole of Kumasi have been swallowed by the sound of the horns causing a rise in noise pollution.
In an interview with, Mr Bernard Atta, the Manager of FOKS Driving School, he educated that the car horns are meant to alert commuters and other vehicles and not meant for greetings and the purpose of loading.
He explains further the rightful use of car horns saying “the horn is a feature located in the steer of a vehicle with the purpose of alerting road users. The horn isn’t used unnecessarily in residential areas neither do we blow them to express anger except for the avoidance of danger ahead. When approaching a curve the horn is used to announce a vehicle’s approach. The purpose of the horn does not include the exchange of pleasantries among drivers on the street.”
The Manager of FOKS Driving School, Mr Bernard Atta attributes the misuse of the horns to the drivers’ failure to sign up for driving lessons with accredited driving schools.
Mr Atta said, “unfortunately, most drivers fail to attend driving classes and that’s the reason some drivers have misplaced the use of the horn, so we encourage them to sign up for driving lessons.”
He added, the unnecessary use of the car horn is tantamount to a police fine, “blowing car horns unnecessarily is subject to a police fine, the police can arrest and impose on you a fine. Number 10 of the road signs indicates “no hooting” which is displayed at vantage places.”
Source: Monica M. Appiah-Manu