General News

Stop Sharing False Information; Police tell Public

The Ghana Police Service has risen against growing misinformation in the country after a number of youths in Pusiga in the Upper East Region dismantled and burnt a structure painted in the colours of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP).

Initial reports suggested the irate men’s reaction was sparked by political rivalry after their video went viral.

Dispelling the claims, the police said their reaction was caused by a misunderstanding between them and the elders of the community.

“Police investigation including engagement with some authorities in the community so far suggest the destruction of the structure is not due to political rivalry as claimed in the viral video but rather, it was as a result of a misunderstanding between the youth and some elders of the community.”

It thus warned against the cooking and spreading of false information as it weighed in on the potential implication it could have as the country heads towards the next general elections.

“The Police would therefore like to caution the public against disinformation which has the tendency to cause fear and panic.”

Meanwhile, it said it is working to get both the youth and the persons behind the misinformation arrested.

“The Police are working with all stakeholders in the community to get the matter resolved while efforts are ongoing to get the perpetrators behind the destruction and the disinformation arrested to face justice.”

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