
Simon Osei Mensah Had No Right To Deploy Military To Ejura- Former Chief of Defense Staff

The former Chief of Defense Staff, Brigadier General Nunoo Mensah has charged the Ashanti Regional Minister, Honourable Simon Osei Mensah to take responsibility for the harm caused during the clash between ‘irate’ youth of Ejura-Sekyeredumase and the military.
The Ashanti Regional Minister has admitted he ordered the deployment of the military upon intelligence that the youth were planning to storm a police station and set it ablaze over the murder of a social media activist.
Brigadier General Nunoo, in an interview with a tv station noted that the Regional Minister had no right to give such an order.
According to him, that right is reserved for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, that is the President.
“I heard the Minister said he ordered the military to intervene. And I was wondering where the Minister got his authority to order the military. We have the REGSEC where we will all meet, the military, police and others to take the decision on what to do in a case like this. “
” I heard he was not actually in Kumasi at that time. He was in Accra. If they had met and discussed the issue, they could have determined the military are not trained to deal with civilians. “
“The President has the authority to do that (order the military). He is the Commander of the Armed Forces. That authority is reserved for the President. It is not transferrable”, he said.
He also noted Ghana is slowly driving toward chaos with the rampant brutality against civilians by security personnel and hopes those found guilty will be punished.
Source: Opemsuo.com/Hajara Fuseini

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