General News

Sale of Nose Masks Boom In The Presence Of Enforcement Officers

Security personnel have been deployed to the new Kejetia market to enforce the mask wearing protocol.

Police officers mounted the various entrances of the Kejetia market seeing to it that persons entering and exiting are in masks to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

The President in his recent address to the nation had promised Ghanaians they will have themselves to blame if they do not wear masks.

The officers were spotted by ordering persons who did not have mask on to buy one.

Some people were seen with the mask but were not either wearing or were wearing it improperly.

In a brief interview with one of the police officers on condition of anonymity, he noted that his team was experiencing difficulties in making the youth comply with the directive.

According to him, most of the youth tried to resist.

He however refused to answer further questions.

Nose mask bendors were seen all around the police officers.

In an interaction with some of them, they admitted that the presence of the officers has aided in making money.

“business is really good today”, a nose mask vendor told

It was also noted that the prices of nose masks have increased.

Five nose masks which sold at ¢1 is now being sold at two for ¢1.

“The price of nose masks has increased. We cannot sell five at ¢1 any longer. It’s now two at ¢1. People think we are responsible for the price increase but that’s not so. The pack use to be ¢6.50ps but it’s now ¢8.50ps as the wholesale price and ¢9 as the retail price”, a nose mask wholesaler noted. Fuseini

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