Manhyia Palace

Post COVID-19 Akwasidae Sitting: Blend of Tradition And Altruistic Display Of Culture

Sunday, October 18, 2020 witnessed the first official sitting of His Majesty Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Asantehene, at Manhyia Palace post the outbreak of the dreaded COVID-19 pandemic.

The day, as many could attest to, was bright and sunny and this gave the occasion a remarkably conducive touch for the display of rich Asante culture coupled with the show casing of rich Asante tradition.

All the divisions that formed the Kumasi Traditional Council were present to show their allegiance to His Majesty the Asantehene and the Golden Stool.

The first Akwasidae post the COVID-19 pandemic was characterized by the showcasing of rich Fontomfrom dance from Chiefs like Atwima Kwanwoma, Heman, Adum, Abrankese-Nyameani, etc. The gathering were thrown into a state of jubilation when Barima Mamensehene, Barima Osei Kwadwo took to the dance floor to display his Fontomfrom dancing skills to the admiration of Otumfuo.
Each dancers were rewarded by His Majesty Otumfuo Asantehene for their display of their dancing skills.

Present was the Regional Security Council led by the Metropolitan Chief Executive Officer, Hon. Osei Asibey Antwi in the absence of the Regional Minister. Mr. Isaac Affum, Chief Executive Officer of Affum Quality Limited, the contractor working on the Boankra Inland Port also graced this special occasion.

Source: News Desk/Opemsuo FM

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