Manhyia PalacePolitics

Politics & Curses: Manhyia to receive petition against conduct of NPP Youth and Executives

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Asantehene
Public Interest Advocate, Mr. Frank Aboagye Danyansah has made a humbly appeal to  His Majesty, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Asantehene to reprimand youth in the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) for flaunting the ban on curses in the Ashanti Region and other jurisdictions of the Asante kingdom
“My humble appeal to Otumfuo is that the NPP leadership and their youth in the region should be summoned to Manhyia to explain to Otumfuo why they still invoke curses which they know it has been banned by Otumfuo”, Mr. Danyansah appealed on Manhyia-based Opemsuo FM morning show hosted by George Opoku Mensah Agude

Footages widely shared on social media platforms showed some aggrieved NPP supporters slaughtering a ram while others poured liquors in Offin River as they invoked curses on top Executives of the party.
According to Mr. Danyansah, the continue raining of curses by any individual or group is uncultured, barbaric and a great disrespect to the Asante monarch and Otumfuo Osei Tutu II  knowing very well such cultural practice is a big taboo that must be eschewed
“What I don’t understand is that the politicians know very well that Otumfuo has banned curses in his jurisdiction but yet still people are raining curses . It is a shame and disrespectful to our King and they must be reprimanded severally”, the young politician fumed on “Nkwantanan” show
Mr. Frank Aboagye Danyansah therefore hinted to officially  petition Manhyia Palace against the conduct of NPP Executives in the region for necessary action be taken on the matter.
Source: Kwabena Danso-Dapaah /

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