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(Pictures) Gambian Soldier Who Lost Legs and Arm In Afghanistan

Lamin Manneh lost his two legs and an arm while providing security to Afghan farmers on the eve of 2011, he told the BBC.

Lamin, according to African Reports file, was part of the Gambians in the British Army who were dispatched to Afghanistan in 2010 to fight the Talibans.

“Whilst on duty in 2010, he stepped on an improvised explosive device losing both his legs and his arm”, African Report files noted.

After his survival and recovery, he realized that he had to wake up to his family and set an example for his kids.

“I needed to be there for my family. If I sat moaning, what example would I be to my children? So I quickly got back to being determined”, he said.
Following the recent take-over of Afghanistan by the Taliban and the withdrawal of western troops from the country, many of the soldiers who were rendered disabled in the country have been wondering if their sacrifice was worth it.

Below are some footages:

Lamin Manneh and Family
Lamin Manneh

Source: Fuseini

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