Manhyia Palace

Otumfuo Receives 7-Year-Old Ghanaian Book Writer

Rachel Yram, 7, Presents A Copy of her Published book to Otumfuo

The Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II warmly received the seven (7) year old Ghanaian writer, Rachel Yram at the Manhyia Palace during the 5th Awukudae of the year 2022 when the King sat in state.

The little girl presented His Royal Majesty, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, a copy of her book which has a picture of the King embossed on one of the opening pages.

She is reported to have written the book titled “More Nice City”, an illustrated novel, at the age of six (6).

According to her records, Rahel had read ten books by the time she clocked five (5) years.

The 22 paged “More Nice City”, yet to be launched, has already received recognition from the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) according to her father.

A delegation made up of the family of the young writer who is seeking to be the world’s youngest writer was among 16 different delegations who called on the King at the Palace.

Asokore Mampong Delegation

Asokore Mampong Delegation

The Municipal Chief Executive for the Asokore Mampong Municipal Assembly, Kennedy Kankam visited the palace with a group of investors from Turkey during the commemoration of the Awukudae.

He was accompanied by the Coordinating Director for the Municipal, Rhodaline Konua, Finance Officer, Awudu Yakubu, Budget officer, Timothy Boakye, and Procurement Officer, Wilberforce Osei.

The MCE introduced to His Royal Highness, two Turkish investors in the country to help in his Assembly’s Airport City Development, and the Ultra Modern Abattoir construction.

“We came with some investors to aid us in some developmental projects in Asokore Mampong. These are people sent by Turkey to inspect the projects we need their investments for”, he told the King.

GNAT Delegation

Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) led by Kofi Takyi, the Ashanti Regional branch chairman of the Association, introduced the newly elected executives of the association to the monarch.

The teacher union also showed appreciation to the King for permitting them to conduct its 6th Quadrennial (53rd) National Delegates Conference at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in January this year.

Additionally, GNAT hinted that the union has decided to set up the GNAT Institute of Research and Professional Development in the Ashanti Region following the advice of the Asantehene during their recent Congress.

The delegation was made up of the National President of the Union, Rev Isaac Owusu, General secretary, Thomas Musah, Vice President of the union, Amanda Asamoah, First Trustee, John Owusu, second Trustee, Mercy Nabia, Deputy General Secretaries, the Treasurer and some regional executives of the union.

Anglican Church Delegation

The Royal Parish of St. Anne’s Anglican Church located at AshTown also took their turn to pay homage to the King.

They thanked the King for his support of the church at all times.

At the end of their presentation, they also prayed for the king for long life, prosperity and greatness for the kingdom.

Centre For National Culture

Centre For National Culture Delegation

Among the visitors to the Manhyia Palace was the Management of the Centre for National Culture who introduced Emmanuel Kwame Anso as the new Director of the centre.

Chief Accountant, Peter Charles, Special Consultant, Nana Kofi Duah, Performing Arts, Mustapha Issa, and others made up the delegation.

Kwame Anso laid bare before Otumfuo that patronage of the venue has reduced drastically however, he indicated that renovation is very effective at the centre.

COA Research And Manufacturing Company Limited

Chief Executive Officer of the COA Research and Manufacturing Company Limited, Professor Samuel Ato Duncan with the Board members of the company and a delegation of chiefs also called on the Asantehene.

He extended his immense appreciation to the King for his support for the relaunch of the COA Mixture, a herbal medicine for general wellbeing.

He also disclosed he had applied for Otumfuo to be the company’s patron.

Akrokerri College Of Education

During a visit to Otumfuo Osei Tutu II during the Awukudae, the management of the Akrokerri College of Education informed the King about its 60th Anniversary and its climax on November 6, 2022.

Extending an invitation to the King, the delegation presented to the King a piece of the anniversary cloth.

The management also informed Otumfuo that 36 students from the School graduated with First Class during their last graduation ceremony.

St. Louis College of Education

St Loius College Of Education Delegation Calls On Otumfuo Osei Tutu II

Another delegation from the St. Louis College of Education made up of Ms Monica Konnie, the new Principal, Jean Lamptey, the Secretary of the school, Benjamin O. Twumasi, the Accountant of the school and Mark Sakyi, the internal auditor took their turn.

The mission of the delegation was to thank the king for his support during the induction of the Principal and the Seventeenth graduation ceremony of the teacher training college.

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II College

A team from the Otumfuo Osei Tutu II College at Tetrem also paid a courtesy call on the Asantehene after whom the school has been named.

The team included the Afigya Kwabre North DCE, the District Director of Education for Afigya Kwabre North, Headmasters of the school, two traditional leaders and the Board of Governors of the school.

The delegation presented a picture of the school to the King and announced that it had made a substantial stride in terms of academics.

It was reported that the number of teachers in the school has increased from 103 to 140.

Delegation Of Police Officers

Police Officers with the Manhyia Divisional Command were among the number of delegations that visited Otumfuo during the Awukudae.

It included the new Manhyia District Police Commander, the Crime Officer, and Manhyia station Officer.

The visit was to introduce the new Manhyia Divisional Commander who will be replacing the immediate past commander, ACP Kwaku Buah.

Among the group of officers was ACP Bismark Agyapong, an officer with the Police Headquarters in Accra.

He informed Otumfuo that he had received another promotion barely six months after he was promoted. He said he is now an Assistant Commissioner of Police.

Ampem Darkoa Ladies FC

Ampem Darkoaa Ladies FC Presents Trophies to Asantehene Otuo Osei Tutu II

The Ampem Darkoaa ladies won the 2021/2022 Women’s Premier League Champions as well as the Women’s FA Cup, all against the Hasaacas Ladies in the Finals.

Following their dual victory, the management of the Football Club together with the players joined the Otumfuo Osei Tutu II in the celebration of the 5th Awukudae of the year.

During their visit, the team presented their trophies to the Asantehene and sought his blessings ahead of the African Women Club Championship.

Efiri Tete Media

Efiri Tete Media was also present at the Manhyia Palace to show off their envious Cultural Television Program of the year award from the Ghana Arts Cultural Awards scheme to the Asantehene.

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II Foundation

The Otumfuo Osei Tutu II Foundation, Prof Quarm Publication and the Asante Professionals Club-USA Delegation Appear Before Otumfuo Osei Tutu II

The charity foundation of the Asantehene also made a show before the Asantehene while he sat in State.

The group accounted to its patron, the list of persons who have sponsored the projects of the Foundation.

According to the Group, the Konahene Nana Konadu Yiadom IV and the Tredehene Nana Nuben Sra III have each supported the Otumfuo Community Reading Challenge (OCRC), a twi and English Reading competition of the foundation, with GHC30,000.

Additionally, it noted that Joseph Albert Quarm, popularly known as Prof. Quarm, the former MP for Manso Nkwanta has also donated 14, 500 reading books to the foundation for conducting the Otumfuo Mobile Learning project, a project that seeks to bridge the gap between urban and rural education by making provision for textbooks and computers for practical learning in rural areas.

It also informed the King about the donation of an Autoclave- a piece of equipment for sterilising surgical equipment- and Electrocautery machines- a machine for reducing blood loss during surgical operations- to the Manhyia Government Hospital by the Asante Professionals Club branch in the United States of America.

Nandom Traditional Area

A delegation from the Nandom Traditional Area in the Upper West Region also paid a courtesy call on the Asantehene at the Palace.

Source: Fuseini

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