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Obama shares virtual encounter with young writers

Former president, Barack Obama has shared on his Facebook page, a teaser of his encounter with students of The Telling Room.

According to the president, the meeting fueled inspiration and hope in him.

The Telling Room meeting with the president was composed with “twenty-six young writers from four different continents and representating twelve different countries”

“The group is situated in Maine and meets weekly and uses writing and storytelling as a way to share experiences coming from different cultures and backgrounds”

According to Press Herald, “Former President Barack Obama spent an hour on a Zoom chat with 26 students from the Telling Room in Portland in late January, talking with them about writing, his recently published memoir, “A Promised Land,” and the importance of storytelling, community and conquering self-doubts.

“The Telling Room announced the Zoom visit with Obama on Thursday, several weeks after it occurred. Because of an agreement with Obama’s publisher, the Telling Room was bound to secrecy about the virtual visit, said executive director Celine Kuhn – not an easy task given the excitement of the students.”

Source: Herald

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