Nurses, Midwives To Begin National Service July 1

Ten thousand nine hundred and seventy-five (10,975) nurses and midwives will begin mandatory service to the nation on July 1, 2022, authorities of the National Service Scheme (NSS) have announced.
Management of the scheme says it has released postings of the more than ten thousand nurses to undertake the mandatory service at various approved health facilities across the country for the 2022/2023 service year.
“All eligible Nurses and Midwives are required to log onto the scheme’s website,, to check their placements and proceed to their various user agencies to endorse their appointment letters”, the Executive Director of the National Service Scheme, Osei Assibey Antwi said.
According to the scheme, registration for the prospective personnel at regional offices began yesterday, June 9 and will end on June 30.
Meanwhile, management of the scheme said three hundred and forty-six nurses and midwives are yet to be placed due to incomplete registration.
“The affected persons failed to present one of the accepted national IDs (Ghana Card, Passport, SSNIT, New Voter’s) during the registration process”, it explained.
Such persons, the scheme says, should complete their registration for deployment.
Source: Fuseini