General News

NSS Personnel Go on Strike

Personnel of the National Service Scheme (NSS) have laid down their tools in demand of unpaid allowances from the Authority.

The action took effect on July 3, 2024, and is intended to carry on until the entire arrears are settled.

According to them, the Authority owes trainees five months’ allowances and graduates from the universities three (3) months.

In a press statement, the personnel lamented that the non-payment of their allowances is imposing undue financial hardships on them, making it challenging to pay for their accommodation and utility bills, transportation to work, and daily sustenance.

“Inability to transport ourselves to our various User Agencies regularly to meet our required number of days to be qualified for validation due to non-payment of allowances.”

This challenge has left them with no option other than regularly borrowing money from different sources to survive the hardship they are plunged into.

“According to NSS rules and regulations, Personnel who fail to report at post for three months after posting will be sanctioned, and we have been working on empty stomachs and other unfriendly conditions of work for five (5) and three (3) months now without allowance.

“We are also supposed to work for some required number of days to be qualified for validation for payment of allowances, and we have to always borrow money to meet this requirements. This is what we refer to as slavery, we are abused, we have been maltreated, our workforce is undermined and our service to the nation is not duly recognized.”

The group recognizes that despite being behind the success of most public and private institutions in the state, their contributions are downplayed and thereby the treatment they are enduring at the hands of the Authority.

That notwithstanding, they are asking for equal and fair treatment.

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